Debate preparation!
This semester in professional competences we had to do a debate which was quite exciting yet challenging at the same time. I found the topic of the debate quite interesting as it was based on Primark which is Uk's famous brand for cheap shopping.The topic that was given to my group was Primark cannot supply inexpensive clothing while respecting ethical and environmental values.I was very content with the topic given to us as i found it particularly easy to do research and to find good evidences based on it.
The main challenges i faced during the preparation was first of all i had no clue how to do the debate but gradually on Danyels guidance and by watching some debate videos i got some idea about it.Then as a group we had to constantly keep in touch which was a bit of a challenge at first but we finally overcame it by setting up meetings and deciding on times that we could meet up.
We all did our individual research at first to have a slight idea about the background of the company then when we had a meeting we came up with three main arguments for our topic and my research was based on Primarks supplier abroad. I found out interesting information on Primark that i was unaware of therefore it was exciting to do this task. As a group i believe we all did our work on time and was very cooperative with each other however in future i think to improve we should work on our time management for more effective results.